humphrey marshall? who was he?nd john randolph looks like he was a character. >> very much so. >> explain the duel thing. >> it was usually an issue of honor. reputation would be the modern equivalent. if you allow yourself to be insulted and did not defend yourself, then you would be pushed around for the rest of your life. clay, one of the things that he said he was against, is that young men need to fight a duel just to show that they will do it. once they have demonstrated that they will do it, people will probably not try to push them around as much. humphrey marshall was a senior person in the kentucky legislature group, and he was a federalist as well. clay was very much a jeffersonian republican. they came at each other much for political reasons, but then it became personal. marshall, again, sort of like randolph, thought of clay as an upstart. >> there was a big difference in the duels. what was the first one about? >> it was about clothes, oddly enough. there was a homespun resolution that was passed in