we threw in some 1 hund bills into the scanner. you run a piece of paper through the printer, turn the paper around, prin print out the backside of it. >> dude, this is great. >> i know. >> so that way, when we taped the paper over the template, we knew exactly where it was going to print out at. what gave it that feeling of an actual bill was the hair spray. spray it over the bill, and we would throw it inside the dryer with some socks bundled up and let it run through there. you know, roughen them up a little bit and make them not so perfect. they felt and they looked so real. i kind of felt like a little charge come out of it. i was thinking to myself, man, this is kind of genius, you know? the only way of telling the difference between those bills -- if you peld helds them up in the air and you looked for a hologram or that bar that runs through that bill. going down to mexico, and i'm like, well, how do they know? i'm not going to have any problem. and next thing you know, we all jumped into the car and headed down to mexico.