but i do hundley request a few -- i do hundley request a few moments of attention, recognizing that theres much going on in your lives. i promise i will not cluttered up your special day with my own ruminations about jurisprudence or law. i will say in passing, however, that even today after almost 19 years on the court, many of the lessons that i learned about life in my academics while a student will serve me well. believe me, what you have learned so far matters and matters greatly. i also will not burden you with another litany of complaints and grievances or exhortations to solve the problems that none of us of more advanced years have been able to solve, or in some cases, even to understand. it seems to be standard fare these days to charge young people to go out and do great things. what is often meant is that they do something in the great out there as opposed to their personal lives. realistically, the great battles for most of us involved conquering ourselves and discharging our duties at hand. these personal victories are the real building blocks for doing great things. when i