hunter moore hosted a website as a form for people to post revenge porn.ings, nude pictures of victims, being submitted without the person's permission. to obtain more photos, to populate the site, moore allegedly instructed an accomplice to gain unauthorized access to, in other words, hack into victim's e-mail accounts. moore then posted the illegally obtained photos on his website without the victim's consent. the indictment alleges that e-mail accounts belonging to hundreds of victims were hacked. the king of revenge porn faces a mandatory minimum of two years in jail but could be sentenced up to seven and pay $500,000 in fines. mitch, we talked about these issues before. what's interesting about this particular prosecution, he's not actually being prosecuted for running a revenge porn site. it's actually a more basic kind of crime that he got caught. just explain that. >> that's right. i think this indictment and the guilty plea is important, but it's an indirect attack on the revenge porn issue. mr. moore was indicted for hacking into people's compute