caller: hunter s. thompson said it best, he coined the term fear and loathing.ush limbaugh and donald trump and the republican national committee had been very good at getting the message out, socialism, fear, free stuff, communism. when we all know that is not really the case. i see this as a race between probably bernie sanders and elizabeth warren on one ticket, and joe biden, if he does not stumble, and some other corporate master that is a democrat who will play ball with the democratic committee and take their corporate money like they have done for years and years, and when it is all over, once again, we will have a false choice between the democrat corporatist or the republican corporatist and donald trump. it was laughable, one woman said she did not trust hillary clinton because she was not genuine. i did not vote for hillary because in west virginia you through a vote away if you voted for her, we went 70% for donald trump so i cast a dissenting vote. mostd trump is the disingenuous and the most foul mouth, and the most corrupt man that has ever held