t.her than your cars and your homes and the str [film advance clicks] reed: at some point after hurrine katrina, people started to get really serious about coastal issues, and they started to think about risk p reductiotecting people from flooding, together with restoration aone thing that needs to be addressed, and so we came up with this coastal master plan which is a list o projects that have been scientifically vetted, and so we have projects that dredge material from one place and put it in another place to actually build new marshes where there's open water at the moment. on the risk-reduction side, we s ve extensive series of levees and floodgaound some critical coastal communities. these are projes that we think will work, notw, work ut work into the future. man: this is skylane 5478 november. kolker: state's coastal master plan is a $50 billion, 50-year pl. i consider myself an oceanographer and a coastal geologist, so i look at issues like why we sink in louisiana, and i also look at issues like how we rebuild coastal landscape. the barrier islands are one of the first of defense agai