they're phoning them they're texting them the phone call may look like it's coming from hut housing and urban development because that's what it says on your cell phone but you know your your regular phone but the bottom line is by spoofing they can make their call look like it's coming from whoever they want the best place to go is to hug dot gov slash states and what that will do is take you to all of the programs within your state that are there to help people who may be having problems otherwise you don't get personal information you don't pay anything when somebody contacts you i'm here to help you. hud dot gov slash states great advice stephen jay jay wiseman scam aside dot com you're a match thanks was always 1st stepping into the big picture has a brand new year already as it only been a year remember your toilet paper hoarding a year ago there are new clues to the new normal in this purchasing data we have from stop and shop which is the supermarket goliath here in new england listen to this as we've been spending more time in the kitchen we're buying more frozen foods fresh meat and seafood and