senator collins, senator cornyn, senator crapo, senator enzi, senator grassley, senator hatch, senator hutchison, senator inhofe, senator kyl, senator lugar, senator mcconnell, senator murkowski, senator roberts, senator sessions, senator shelby, senator snowe, and senator voinovich. all of it a government massive entitlement program run out of washington. big government, big bill, not paid for, and not one word about it needing to be paid for. and we fast forwarded. that's a big part of our deficit. by the way, we've now figured out on medicare-d that we transfer a whole bunch of taxpayer money straight to the bottom line of pharmaceutical companies. i wasn't here then, but i'm sure the senator, maybe you can enlighten me. my recollection is that the biggest people in favor of medicare-d was pharma. mr. durbin: i say to the senator from missouri, she is correct. it was their belief they would make a lot of money -- mrs. mccaskill: they have had made a fortune on the backs of taxpayers. mr. durbin: those who formed some type of competitive bidding, some type of government buying in bulk to reduc