after drilling the bridge, blocking two tunnels on the hutkasna autastradze, pashkodzia ladies ў weights four cars, which have been known for 11 centuries. the recovery was successful, and the three were declared dead. ahvyarami villages became taxama sem zhikharov veski, yashche 19 chalavek, yes getaga hour lichatstsa prapaushimi without vestak. this is only one episode of the extreme summer and the fall. over the past two months, the late floods claimed more than 150 lives . such a cataclysm has become a constant source of death for the 47th century of the rulers of guangdong. more than 100 thousand people were evacuated to graze when the city of mayjou experienced a record number of rainfalls. high water season in beijing is the season of extreme rainfall. myastsov settle down. the taxes are rightly based on the countries of the region, where there are villages and spoilage. the situation and these problems resulted from extreme temperatures. this summer has become the hottest month recorded in china from a part of the meteorological analysis, which is due to 196. at the end of the su