hutson: we have to look at the demand side, at the supply side.we have to cooperate internationally. we have to involve businesses and statecraft and private citizens and ngos and law enforcement, and we have to educate people worldwide that your ivory trinkets mean that an elephant has to die. thornton: we need to go back to the total ivory ban, including complete ban on domestic trade in china and japan. if cna and japan banned domestic ivory trade today, poaching will be going down by next week. that's how big the demand is there, and closing that demand is the number one way to help save and protect africa's elephants. q■x■xóúóúóúóúóróróróro ■ host: hello and welcome to "focus on europe." it's good to have you with us. there is no end in sight to the war in ukraine. almost a year has passed since the war began. and as in bachmut, the eastern part of the country is constantly under attack by russian forces. as the war continues, propaganda has become increasingly important for putin. because the russian president is waging war with weapons and