a one-day trip, there was an 11-member delegation headed by a general who consolidated power, hwang pyong-so. it has the hallmarks. north korea doing a deal with the south. it means maybe they are trying to cut a deal because they realise the problems that they are in. kim jong un should have been on top of this. we haven't seen evidence. a real important indicator is friday, the anniversary of the founding of the korean workers party, there'll be a reviewing stand. if he's there, he maybe has rehabilitate. if he's not there, we know wrong. >> we'll know in a few days. going back to what you said about south korea and whether this is an opening, you quote a russian scholar who studied in north korea, an expert, saying the visit was part of an ongoing charm offensive by north korea to improve relations to the rest of the world. my reaction was when did that happen? after all the nuclear tests and a lot of threats to the united states, i haven't noticed the charm offensive. did i miss something? >> north korea had a rupture of relations with south korea. they have to build ties because they ne