joining me now from hyderabad, also a designated red zone, is sujatha rao, who is a former health secretary, because as you yourself commented, the challenges are amazingly complex and extraordinary, so if you look at the map of india, about half of the districts today have in one or more infected people, so that means nearly half the country is under some sort of close surveillance by the government. and we have a national work lockdown until at least april 20, after which some relaxations are being hoped for. because it is the season, our market activity needs to continue, because we need a balance between the disease and the economics of the disease. as you pointed out, some cities are worst affected, and i would also like to point out that testing is a challenge still. we need to test even more, we are still at about 150 per million. we need to increase that ten fold to get an accurate picture of the incidents in our country. right now, we have received the test case from china —— test kits from china, and i believe in the next few days, we will see a massive ramp up of testing, which w