victorians their 8 in a row as you can see there's 14567 okay count that one they extend out except hydralast this is the bathroom the adjunct says that the way the victorians it has a leadership and dining room and the bathroom in the rear and split in the early 19 one hundred and the 1rgz if they split they built a bedroom in the back she didn't have one this was added somewhere at least back in 1954 the accessory identified it as a shack the reason we say that it says owner mothers lives in shack rear one thirty 1954 we were asked to get this information by the i forget the woman's name it says occupancy unknown what do we have to do to fix this she said get the assessors card and the waters information we said now what 0 do we have to do they said send a inspector they inspected and said that back space there's one meter for that unit and the top unit that's how it became part of the process we approached ms. miller and offered her a buy out her response it's expensive to move that's not going to be enough you'll have to contact our attorney we were a little bit confused because it turns