in shelter and motels and so as a trustee, she went and discussed this with other foundations, the hymes foundation, the boston foundation, the firearm foundation, and this collaboration came together to do something that they thought was a little bit dip shall a little bit innovative of a way to try to make a difference and have an impact in the affordable housing. affordable housing invasion competition have you going on here. how do you describe it to folks? who can apply? deadline? prizes? >>> home funders has been working on affordable housing for 13 years but we know that we don't have all of the answers and we also know that the need continues to grow so we have opened an invasion housing competition as a way of inviting the experts, people in the field housing field, policy tax, public world to propose ideas that they think will incrementally or in new ways in increase the supply of housing for the poorest families. so the competition is open to anyone who may be interested in applying. we strongly encourage calibrations because this is a complex system and it's a complex solutio