. >> violent sexual predators are extremely hypersexual.s looks like a very hypersexual person maybe in a sexual identity crisis. >> we had two objectives, get the drawings interpreted to see if they could of been made in the 2nd examined for any connection of possible. the drawings of male and female body parts and some orgasmic positions. committed suicide in 2010 and had drawn similar pictures. we can't tell for sure if he was the one drawing these. >> where is -- >> i think i might have found it. >> hemorrhages in the facial structure. the capillaries of the facial structure. >> something around the individuals night, eyes bulging out of their sockets and read on the face. >> i wondered ifi wondered if this was a paper death mask, handmade image created by the killer depicting the moment this woman lost her life. >> this is very interesting. this person, a female face in the crowd has become a sexual entity for whatever reason. bill: who is this person? do you recognize her? we don't know who she is and would like to find out. i asked a