but those are the three basic symptom areas, intrusive systems like nightmares and flashbacks, hypervigilance, just totally angry and waiting forren attacker, and then being numbed out. that's how i understand it. understand it's a long story, but ptsd was invented, basically in 1980, but has a history that extends all the way back, you know, in all of human history, you know, in the gentleman who wrote the forward for her book, finds it in the odyssey. it is common, but it tends to be inflected by the culture. flashbacking. civil war veterans did not have flashbacks, but haunted by ghosts. there was a supernatural inflexion to it prior invention of film and television. flashbacks as we call them grew out of the film culture and culture of the 1970s. it came from the antiwar movement in the while. >> what do you think of the fact we have gotten away from the point where they think of the human cost of people going to war? they don't take that into consideration. they, you know, people involved with wars, obviously, were unavoidable, and i remember growing up with the baby sitter whose husband