disorders, and those drugs for testosterone are being taken by millions of men who don't have hypogonadism. and they're being checked before going on the drugs, and many are not having their testosterone level checked. and you can't be diagnosed with that without a blood test, so there are patients going out there because of the advertising that durs directly to them. >> dr. alexander, you want to weigh in on this? it picked up in the late 90s, and there are vocal advocates for it, and opponents for it. and it's a vexing issue. it's something that opponents argue, just as some of what we have heard, as overprescribing. it's concentrated. two-thirds of it occurs for just about 20 medicines on the market, and there are several thousands, and direct advertising only detects for 15% of promotion. so while it's a lightning rod for controversial, it's pretty mild compared with the much more common detailing and free samples that occurs in the physician practicing. >> and a second factor, the promotions for physicians that contact between the pharmaceutical industry and the physicians, and that c