hyunah lee poa: you can look at medicine as a very complex and technological thing that everybody has a right to. or you can look at it that we're all on earth for a certain amount of time, we're destined to have a certain type of health, and how do we go through life with a certain poise and enjoyment until we die? so i think everyone tries to figure out what's going to be the most comfortable balance. i remember the wife of a colleague in houston who had recurrence of breast cancer, a very aggressive form of breast cancer, who decided not to undergo chemotherapy-- a renewed bout of chemotherapy and radiation treatment-- because she concluded that the side effects and the pain of all of that, with the very low likelihood that it was going to be effective, was just something she did not want to go through. there are patients that i see who don't want any intervention, any medication, any surgery in their lifetime, and i greatly respect that philosophy. i'll be there to support them, to inform them of what's going on so that they can handle their health in the way they choose. another