i.m.f. to stillwell from mostly the developing third world if you read the quote from the i.m.f. you'll see that this is exactly what they have a mind and what they've banned doing over the last two or three years progress towards global financial stability has experienced a setback since april due to the recent turmoil in sovereign debt. markets so they're saying it's the sovereign debt that's causing the crisis to continue and the sovereign debt of course is because they are a match is encouraging all the sovereign nations of the west to bail out these bankers who have attacked the economies you know suicide bankers but that's the best the root of the problem and they follow this corrupt ideology of free market fundamentalism and so you break the spell and christine o'donnell and me maybe she we need a witch break the spell of the indoctrination of free market capitalist ideology which is the most radical extremist view of any group in the world these neo liberals in washington and on wall street are the most radical extremist suicide banking group in the world causing much mor