many people have been on the offensive, speaking out on oo,ial meddi to defend #met in partiiular the movements she says the case of algae%argee movement. many are disappointed and hurt just like many have been disappointed by some of the other men and women called out py thissbehavior. ultimately there is no model survivor. >> no one is perfect. staying with hollywood. asians"the "crazy rich that seems to be doing well. it was number one at the bbx office. goessto -- you gates a man from singapore and goes to visit his wealthy family. it is the first hollywood film in 25 years with an all asian cast and this is something that means quite a bit to asian can see one writer saying the movie is her wakanda moment. this is a reference to black panther which had many black peoplee crazy rich asians has not been met with the same celebration. i pulled uppthis reviewwfrom singapore that calls it frustrated -- calls it frustrating. the main criticism is that the film shows only singaporeans of chinese descent. the movie does point out that the tourism board of singapore is likely to be happy