ian? >> first of all, i want to say black lives matter without a doubt. brown lives matter, too. i come from a community where police abuse is real. i saw violence to people in my family, to community members. guns pulled unnecessarily on people. the drug war clearly needs to change. criminalizing people's emotional addictions does not help anybody. i think reforming the police is only the first step. it's only stopping people from entering this system but we have private prisons that need reformed. we should be owning those as people. i think once you get out of prison, the discrimination you face in jobs and in housing is very real. someone is always a criminal forever. that seems so unamerican if you pay your time, you should pay your time. i've been involved inned a voicing a group in denver called the star program where we have taken the police out of response. people call 911, they response from mental health and paramedics. someone is having a mental crisis and end up dead. to me, that's completely wrong. when we talk about reforming the police, defunding the police, my co