ian hewitt's recommendation is to not ensure stop loss. there is a reserve of $16 million reviewed at the last meeting. in case there were catastrophic claims there is a contingency reserve to be used. even then we don't believe it would be necessary. >> thank you. any comments? can i have a motion? >> so moved that we not purchase it. >> second. >>> seconded that we do not purchase stop loss insurance for united health care. any public comment on this item? all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> all those opposed? it's unanimous. now, item no. 5. discussion item. city clerk: item 5, discussion item, review blue shield non-medical claims experience benefits designed and determine preliminary contribution for 2015 plan year.ian hewitt. >> you may have an substitute tab for tab 5. >> thank you. >> okay. before you you have the presentation on tab 5 as blue shield. so we reviewed the experience. this is the third year flex funded. it behoves us to share with you how it did do and we take the risk and you obviously want to know did we come under