had she not had the courage to come forward, ian naude would almost certainly still be serving as a policeard that naude joined the police specifically to get access to vulnerable girls. the youngest he groomed online was just 12. it was ian naude'sjob to enforce the law, protect people from harm instead he became the most dangerous of perpetrators and betrayed the very people he swore to protect. judge clement goldstone, qc said this was as gross a breach of trust as it was possible to imagine and ian naude was a very dangerous man indeed. he said naude had no idea about the damage he'd caused to the work police do to try and build trust in their communities. he sent ian naude to jail for 25 years and said he'd also have to serve an extra five years on licence once he is released. and we'll be taking an in—depth look at the papers with our reviewers lord digbyjones, the former trade minister, and stephen bush, the political editor at the new statesman. that's coming up just after the headlines at 11:30. now it's time for the weather with ben rich. christmas is drawing closer and at the mo