ian schwartz introduces us to a young girl who found comfort in an unusual place after major surgery. >> reporter: a stranger's heart now beats in her chest. >> the hardest thing as a parent is to watch your kid in pain. >> reporter: it's been a long road for the family after five heart surgeries, the latest a transplant in october. >> since then i've really good nights rest. >> reporter: she's not talking about her new heart, but a custom blanket she got in the hospital. >> it was really comfortable were there were wasn't from some big company looking for pr, or a person who gets paid to work with kids but from a young girl like jenna. >> she's like super girl. i couldn't find any super girl colors but i was able to kind of come up with that print remember blankets for really sick kids. she taught herself how to sew and has made more than 2 hundred blankets for kids around the world. she says hugs only go so far but this blanket has helped comfort his daughters in ways he never imagined. >> we wanted to nominate you for the pay it forward award. and we have a small gift for you. >> t