our evolution through the ianthe has left our eyes with a blind spot and they see the world upside down our brains have to invert the image to compensate. and our jaws shrunk so starkly over time they've become too small for all of our teeth fortunately we have braces to correct that and line them all up again. our windpipes branching straight off from the esophagus leaving us in constant danger of choking on our food. and that was just the head and neck and by no means the entire story. on the other hand life is only as diverse and varied as it is precisely because of the flaws. because every time an organism reproduces something can go wrong and over the course of evolution that's led to a string of new life forms with new characteristics and abilities. eventual he we humans emerged with all our inadequacies. like our backs we inherited our backbones from fish 500000000 years ago they needed something to attach their muscle tissues to the birth of the spine. in the weightlessness of the primordial oceans brilliant innovation but far too weak for life on dry land. yet another flaw that