with it, iarn unlimited 2% cashk on all of my puhasing. and that unlimited 2% ca backfrs thousands dollala each ye going ba into bess... which ds fuel to and that unlimited 2% ca backfrs my bottom line. 's in yourallet? ♪ w' dwning in info. where, in of ts, is the stuff that matters? the akes are so gh, your finances, your future. how do you solve t u don't. u paner with a firm that anto person,une 500,and,an on what matters to you >>> tonight we're talking about a subject we don't spend enough time on in the business media -- long-term wealth building. if you're serious about getting rich and staying that way i recommend you must do two things -- go to amazon or your local bookstore, buy the entire jim cramer catalog. now that they have that crass shameless piece of self-promotion out of the way, the second thing you should do to prepare for retirement, fetch you're in your early 20s and just started working is you've got to start saving now. i didn't say save for retirement, i said prepare because just stuffing your money in the first na