iata. >> good afternoon president hillis and commissioner. i am a principal planner with the city wide planning section and here to talk about the housing balance report number six and this is only for your information and no action is required. what is the housing balance report? in april 2015, board of supervisors approved 53-15 to add section 103 to the planning code and this new section direct it is planning department to monitor and report the balance between new market rate housing and new housing rate production. the ordinance requires a biannual reporting and i'll be talking about the sixth report submitted last week and covers from the first period of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2017. this will also be the fourth presentation into housing before the commissioner. a hearing is also being scheduled before the board of supervisors as mandated and it has been set for july 16. one stated goal of the ordinance is to ensure that data meeting affordable housing targets city wide and within neighborhoods and informs the housing process for