have violated the law but under individuals who have entered without inspection or overstayed the ibiza unlawfully now will get work permits and social security numbers, driver's license, and planning and education opportunities, and many of their benefits afforded to only those who abide by the lot. further the president argues because the department doesn't have sufficient resources he is excusing -- executing the most dangerous aliens for better security of our country but yet the reality is that fiscal year 201,336,000 criminal aliens were released and what is more a report just issued by homeland's security reveals 1,000 of those criminal aliens have gone on to commit further crimes so the president is not even doing what he says he is doing instead of removing criminals from our country as required by law he just releases back into the community to commit further crimes to jeopardize public safety. no matter how the president paints the picture here is immigration is the use of constitutional duty to faithfully execute the law with an overreach under the separation of powers congr