ibram x. kendi. [applause] >> thank you, thank you so much. let me first congratulate truly all the finalist for the national book awards. i was here, six years ago and that was one of the most memorable nights of my life. less about what happened to me and more so what i witnessed. i witnessed the late congressman john lewis. when a national book award. [applause] in his victory speech he talked about how when he was grown up in segregated alabama, he was not allowed to attend and to go to his local library. and he talked about his started cheering up about his journey, the journey of a boy who couldn't go to the library to a man and an icon who won the national book award. i was also here with my six month old daughter at the time, imani. and now she's six years old. and recently, she came home she started first grade, she expressed she didn't like first grade. i'm just done with first grade. a week later, she came home excited about being in first grade. we asked are, why, why do you so excited now. and she told us, it's because she now, be