. >> in a press statement, ibutho coal, who declined to comment on this story, touted jobs as a majorenefit to the local economy when the mine comes in. but according to the community, the mine has not consulted them, or even told them where they will be forced to relocate to. for more than 100 years, the hluhluwe-imfolozi park has been a sanctuary for rhinos and many other endangered animals. it is a place that inspires visitors, communities, and conservationists all over the world. to lose this area in a coal mining operation is unacceptable to dr. player. >> the people, they say, "it's impossible, you can't defeat these big mining companies." and we said, "no, you can." but you've got to know that what you are doing is absolutely right. if you know that, then the rest is strategy and tactics. >> this is jeffrey barbee reporting from the hluhluwe-imfolozi park in south africa for link tv. >> in ecuador's highlands, indigenous communities fight foreign gold mining companies in an effort to save something even more precious than gold to them: their water. constantino de miguel reports