ic induction. that might stabilize the biomimetic fluctuations. it's worth a shot. it has to work. odo, please, wait outside. we'll do everything we can. i feel... so good. here he comes. keiko... would you do me a favor? kira said you can both come back in if you promise to behave. oh, after you. oh, no. after you. please... will you two get in here? you're going to miss everything. that's it, nerys. relax. let it come. breathe. that's right. ohh. look at him, miles. he's beautiful. ( crying ) there's nothing we could do. i'm sorry. it won't be very long now. please... don't die. there's so much i want to show you. remember? ( gasping ) what happened? where did it go? it somehow integrated itself into odo's body. ( gasping ) odo, what's wrong? it can't be! what? ( gasping ) ( people murmuring ) this, uh, might be a good time to take some leave and come down to bajor. mmm... maybe in a few weeks. right now, i feel like staying here. so you can be close to the baby. mm-hmm. he's a good-looking boy. he is, isn't he? computer: all passengers bound for bajor should board at this time.