do not comply with icao standards. what do you mean?t time ruled to be science-based. ours currently not science-based. the future ones, when we get them done, as long as someone doesn't try to delay this like they have the last several attempts will be science-based which would bring us into compliance with the icao provisions. the last thing i would say on the first suggest, sir, was the controlled napping. again, napping should not be seen or viewed as somehow keeping pilots on duty even longer. in other words, i can hear the scheduler now, well, i'm pretty tired, i shouldn't start the flight. don't worry, you can catch a nap en route. no, that's not a sound strategy for being alert on the other end. you are once in a while going to be caught in a position where you need a nap, and you'll coordinate it with the other pilot. but remember at that point, there's one pilot in the cockpit. our system of safety is based upon redundancy of redundancy. and now you want to say only one pilot has to be awake? well, i can tell you right away, t