ichiro hitless and the mariners only had two. a's, a solo shot. -- solo shot. size more comes through with insurance, base hit, scores one. 2-0. he goes 7 innings of shut out ball for the a's. given up one earned run in the last 24. >> kind of relax and you know, let your abilities take over. the second you start pressing the more complicates it gets. simplify things and play the game. do the same thing tomorrow. >> all right. mean time something that the united states women's soccer team is not used to. defeat. only their fourth since november. there is one team that has their numbers and that's who they ran into today. 1-0 sweden. making it 2-2 and the final score was 2-1, u.s.a. on the short end. they will take the field next against brazil, that match set for sunday. johnny had his baseball coaching contract extended two years at stanford. that's the sporting life right now. >> south korea was chosen to host the olympic games. www.ktvu.com wants to hear from you. because there is a growing push to bring the games back here in 2022. should california make a