as a chief consultant, chief adviser for the international city and county management association, icma, on issues regarding public safety and policing and law enforcement. nd so he and i have been talking and we through our conversations, i think the idea for this session bubbled up. so very glad to have him. now, let's turn over to rebecca to start us off, please. >> thank you so much for that introduction. i'm delighted to be here with my esteemed panelists and really happy to be with all of you here in the audience as well as those participating with us virtually. as the other panelists and our opening key speaker mentioned, there's really a crisis in policing today. and i think that rod described it just as perfectly as anybody could, that it's a crisis in confidence. in the 1909s we had another type of crisis in policing. a crisis that involved violence and disorder in our communities. thankfully we've moved beyond that at least a bit in many of our u.s. cities, but the police and the community are at an all-time sort of odds. the confidence is really very lacking in both directio