. >> thank you, id ell. i would just like to thank everyone who came out today to participate. and i want to thank everyone who came from the different agencies and community projects and the public. we value all of your input very much. donna, did you have something that you would like to say? okay. >> i would have said this before, but i was waiting for a confirmation from my office. the number that megan gave earlier about contacting the public authority to try to assist possibly with time sheets was incorrect. and so in case anyone relied on that and we'll let know megan know the phone number is 243-3 477. 243-ihss. >> i just wanted to thank everybody for their thoughtful comments and just to reiterate, we're going to take everybody's comments and try to figure out how to fit them into the plan. i think we heard some things today which we had no heard which was really helpful. so i appreciate everybody's input. we'll schedule a time after the plan is in draft form to come back and present it. thanks again. >> thank you; thank you tom for coming. sarah? >> i'm sorry, i pushe