not long good - niche...her ifeewas urned pldest daughter bijjn brown &ppassed away of a her grief brought her to volunteer ellmentary... where her other gourment cookkng ccub...bbing &paround the therappautic... ou of theeloss of one of her children came a vegetable time was born... about he program ps you have a lot of kids ffod neewwrk as big as te themesleves there... teeches them all the fundamentals of coooing... aad 15532:533fats carbs food groupp... 15:39:18 attlunch ii the cafeteria i to see the fastest.. they are able to schooo work to real life 15:21:00 i need to know how to rad i need to measuremmnts... how a tove works..or the safety mmthods chef do's...first you hould - wash then you should wash again to sanitize... serious place where food is p5:08:47 it can get chaotic through the commitment of 's - phrives. chef connie uses funds from bijans she is also sponsorrd by 100 black men... the all saiits school and chefs... 15:31:36 i cant imagine would doofor what shes done as far as the efforts shes made and continues to pakk..shes soldier and im all hersell on creating gourmet