he numbers further and says iffthe interess unchangee -by 2017 every working person in 69 --3& thousandars to extinguish the interest of the national -3 pebt. sot in 5:54"so what does & hattmean??eitter we cut spending or we raise taxes. we can not undee this scenarro, we need to groo.. 6:04trt=:10 visa card holder paul murphy -- learned yeaas ago how to manage his credit cards.sot "12 "i don't pay financee charges. i pay them all off :16 prt=:04if theefederal government could pay off its debt government could if the ffddral trt=:04them all off :16 financc charges. i pay sot "12 "i don't pay [john murphy] cards.manage his credit responsibly how to learned years ago aul murphy --visa pard holder need to grow." 6:04 under this scenario, we aaford to raise taxes raise ttxes. we can not we ut spending or we doee that meaa? eitter sot in 5:55"ss what hodges]naaional debt. [hodgee]sottin 5:54"so what 3 does that mean? either we cuu spending or we raise taxes. we can not afford to raise taxes 3 toogrow." 6:04trt=:10visa card holder paul murphy --learned years goohow tooresponsibly mmaage his c