nobody knew what was happening, i flew with allowed off the plane, nobody knew what was happening, iflewheir office trying to find out where we were going next or staying in manchester, and eventually a few passengers on the plane disembarked and went inside to manchester and stayed in manchester for the and went inside to manchester and stayed in manchesterfor the night. people who didn't get off the flight were told we would be returning to dublin and i opted to stay on the plane because i wanted to get home. we were told the weather had subsided in dublin and it would be possible to land, so i remember speaking to my family and i mentioned we were going to depart in again it was about 5:30pm uk time then, we departed, my phone died mid flight, we made our way towards dublin, and then we were diverted to belfast, the captain said we couldn't land in dublin with the wind so strong about 60 mph. we try to land in belfast, and belfast was a disaster, it was very scary, the tension there was so thinned. no one knew what was going to happen as we try to land. we got to about 1500 feet, i wa