increase funding for bilingual premium pay and legislative assistant premium pay as required through ifpte local 21's m-o-u. some of the legislative aide's regularly provide stern says of english use [speaker not understood]. they are entitled to bilingual premium pay in addition. the department expects that more legislative aides will become eligible for the legislative assistant premium in fiscal year 14-15 and 15-16. this will add approximately 25,000 to the department's budget. the job class changes in the clerk's office. as the committee may recall, i have made several changes throughout the years. some positions we've downgraded as we've seen high profile retirements and as we've hired new staff, we've hired them at a lower classification and now that they've had that experience we are moving them through the process. and to create a ladder in the department, we are now moving those positions up to their original classes. i will be requesting upward changes in two positions in my office, our accountant position from a 16 52 to a 15 64, and our 81 16 legislative calendar clerk to an 81 18.