matter, ifractical you have a 30 day delay, effectuating a prisoner exchange, it is not just the u.s.government that has 30 days to think about whether to go through with the decision. you also give the enemy 30 days to think about it, and the hard-liners within the enemy's counsel can eliminate the deal. impractical, especially if it was a good deal. now this may not have been a good deal, but there may come a time when we have negotiated a very good, favorable to america prisoner exchange, and this it ision would say prevented, not by decisions of the congress of the president, but by decisions made by their enemy in their counsel. second, a prisoner exchange returns to the united states a soldier under the command and protection of the commander-in-chief. he has a constitutional duty to protect and hopefully return home safely our soldiers. when you create a circumstance that makes it practically impossible to have a prisoner exchange, because in order to have one, you have to give the hard-liners within the enemy counsel and ability to upset it, then i believe you have unconstitut