ignacio daas is the original plan, how they'll use the land in the area. literally we're a one-fifth scale model of what was considered a frontier fortification of spain, meaning defending the frontier from the two nations. 16th, 17th, early 18th century, they'll have fortifications all around a city they are laying siege to. you'll see 15 or 16 of these in some places that they built up to conduct a three or four-year siege of a city. it was a really common design. but he took that design and scaled it down to fit the land area he had to work with here which is one of the reasons why the inside where the doors and windows are laid out is a little bit odd ball. windows or doorways will be slammed into a corner that seems out of balance. but the rest of all the architectural details balance everything out. original design of the fort is what is called trace italian. it has a couple of innovations in it that come from different people. right off the bat there is one we stole -- i should say they stole exactly from leonardo divinci. the way the walls are tows