as for party affiliation, as cec chairman igor karpenko said today.t active. then come the liberal democratic party, the communist party, and the justice labor party closes the top four. top areas of activity. in the first place are people from the social sphere - science, education, culture, sports. then division into the house of representatives on the second locally, they come from government agencies, to local councils. in addition, we can note that four pensioners are nominated, the oldest is 66 years old, one is unemployed, well, from today in belarus the most active part of the election campaign has started, campaigning, it will run until february 24, on the main election day of february 25, the day of silence, what are there any forms of election campaigning and what are the legislative ones? meetings, rallies, pickets, production, distribution of printed campaign materials, executive and administrative bodies, including a number of decisions have been made that also relate to the organization of work by candidates; during the period of pre-el