a new reading from the golungs, bolitma and strateatre of the opera and ballet of belarus igor kolba.sly, open rehearsals, premieres were held as part of the action, the weekend, the great big theater, i revised it again. the clavier saw the fragment. adana has unused music by sda albert and giselle for the first act. and i thought that, nevertheless, i was not just like that, and most importantly, to be mr. i realized that i needed to use, but composer kuznetsov orchestrated the music in the performance that had never been used. eh, this small fragment is in the first act. eh, not only do i have as a person who brought suffered, but will have its own premiere in prem. come in, you need to show at the chamber charge there will be a selection of symbols and mysticism of alexander maksov's ballet postcards. on this, our issue is completed, probably, the region and other projects of beltelera, two companies are available, so see on the website of the tvr-tangle by the reception day. svetlana wants to consult with her. maybe of course, i love to give advice here you have a very beautiful