and there, we have three young athletes going, these are patachi, daniel, mardusevich, vlad and igor miroevsky hope that we will have quite a lot of medals, we are moving towards this, we are striving for this, we are setting ourselves up for this, well, it’s already going to be very white, and it will be so, the strongest athletes of the country, representatives of rowing canoe boat racing, also the start in kazan is regarded as the most serious in the current season. these sports traditionally bring our team awards from the largest international competitions. much less appreciated by fans is still figital sports. this is how the belarusian national team will perform in the basketball combined event in kazan. this combines a video game with a sports competition. by the way, last week, the first such tournament in the history of the country took place at the gender arena in the capital. one person plays, each, roughly speaking, has his own little player who runs around and which needs to be managed, so this is something new, interesting and we are on trend, that’s how warmly and cordially we r