the district attorney's iib is the lead on that and internal affairs. our our investigative our internal affairs is the lead on the administrative investigation. we are coordinating with the state department just communications wise, because it is a consulate office. technically, it happened on foreign soil. however, it's it is very well coordinated and in terms of the state of california, d.o.j, they were called, they did respond and this did not meet their criteria and did the chinese authorities and asked the san francisco police to intervene as far as intervening on the coming to the scene of the crash into the consulate. yes. the. 911 calls came from the consulate office. so we responded to there were many calls, but some of them came from that office. yes. okay. thank you. thank you. and thanks for reminding me. i forgot to mention that. and it was in my notes. the town hall will be tomorrow at 2:00, 3:00, 3:00. all right, sergeant, could you take us to public comment, please, for members of the public that would like to make public comment regard