my name's ika, i'm currently ly enrolled at lola high school and i'm the student representative for the thank the board members for taking the time to recognize our needs. also, thank you for supporting who we are and our goal to not only educate our students, but to also educate the teachers of our district. and as a little gift from us to all of you, we would like to give each of you a certificate of appreciation so thank you very much. [applause] >> that's a first. [laughter] >> i think i speak for the board. thank you so much. this is fabulous. this is actually, like, so cool. thank you so much. this has never happened here. we're silent here which is really unusual, so thank you so much. that's great. thank you so much. i'm glad that it all worked out. thank you to staff that made it happen. [applause] >> next speaker please >> good evening commissioners and superintendents. i'm the president of the social justice community at rooftop k 8. we plan campaigns and events we feel will help our school community. this year we got the opportunity to apply for a grant and we took it. we de