ikat jasmine, it's completely intoxicating.e three main factories for a comment and they said... ikat jasmine, it's completely intoxicating. all of the entities in the perfume industry accept that they have a responsibility to respect human rights and condemn child labour, but in addition to inadequate due diligence checks on the ground and a lack of transparency throughout their supply chain, it appears that the masters have also failed to recognise the impact that their squeezed prices have on the livelihoods of the jasmine pickers. if anything is to change, it will be a commitment that's made by the whole perfume industry to take a shared responsibility in ensuring a living wage reaches the people who pick the flowers that they rely on. so, as a consumer, how can we make sure that we're buying ethically made perfume? this shouldn't be on consumers. this is not a problem that should be for us to solve. we need law, we need enforcement of those laws, we need corporate accountability, and that cannot just be on the consumers. h