laws for the ethics commission not only the one involving public access but that i san francisco iktsdz codes this is contrary to our mission and our reason for being - thank you very much. >> hi i'm hope jacque the former chair of the sunshine task force i have somewhat of a acknowledgeable mission between the task force. i understand i referencing item 4 on our agenda there's an issue related to the city attorney's office not following the come forward out section of attorney-client privilege in the sunshine ordinance. i want to point out that commissioners, i remind you that in the ethics commission file number 080116 that you discussed on january 28th are 2013 that the city attorney said whistle blower complaint everything was attorney-client and nothing could be seen. we came before you and asked the san jose city attorney's office review the file they found it was overreaching and not exactly investigative records but some should have been redacted and i feel the city attorney maybe overreaching the attorney-client privilege once again so look at that once again to remind you ther