il vladimirovych, hello. how, how ukraine, how ukraine treated the beginning. the russian military operation and the attitude towards it, endlessly, the madness in ukraine could not continue forever, and the country demanded liberation, but today this is not war, but this is liberation, i think so, and what the russian soldier is doing today is the liberation of russian salvation peace will come the moment when we stand next to the russian soldier, we will continue our war work. protect our family, but somehow you see, standing next to a russian soldier, he was also in no hurry, moreover, as his associates now say, he was more concerned about how to hide away from the ukrainian special services, and this is a really dramatic story that even in moscow he was not safe, poor man, it is necessary to live to such an extent, or maybe he was so frightened that he was not safe even in moscow. he was constantly looking for where else he could, in what other way the gap can be closed more, he was in moscow, he came fro