the title of another production is the well-known imported mother however, ilam petrochemical company did not delay and domesticated one of the most strategic products for the first time in the country with the help of knowledge-based companies, which saved about 7 million dollars in foreign currency from leaving the country. it is an important and practical product that it was produced only in four countries, germany, china, india and america , but ilam petrochemical also introduced iran as the fifth producer of this product. dmds strategic product is equal to the quality of similar foreign products, and we have a lot of demand from abroad, including the country russia, china and active african countries catalysts of reactors in refineries and food, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries are produced from the most important application , dc5 insurance, which prevents the formation of mountains in european countries. it has many additions, such as dms, which is an imported removal chemical that has many applications in the oil, gas , and petrochemical industries. in some cases, md